Saturday, August 21, 2010

Poetry: Brother Sister Moon Rain

Big brother always comes sideways,
Wanting to catch me off-guard:
'You are an accident.'
He taunts the 5, 7, 13 year old.

Always I respond with windmilling fists
Too small for his growing frame
He doesn't even defend himself
Laughing at each rapid blow.

Years later, little sister,
Looks at my suitcase:
'You are leaving.'
It is a statement, an accusation.

Turning toward the door
I never thought of it
The distance I was creating
For each of us.

The Man in the Moon smiles upon the desert
His light reveals my tatters:
'You are walking in circles.'
He whispers mocking my journey.

I curse the wind that
Swirls sand into my eyes
It continues westward
Oblivious to my shrinking frame.

The Rain God stroking my head
As I approach the great city:
'You are home.'
She welcomes the young and old.

Sitting in the infinite sea
Surrounded and contained
The endless void of possibility
Is this what's next?

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